If You Make It

Cynics - You're Alright

I met Giles after Calvinball stopped by to record a Pink Couch. It was right before Fest, during CMJ, so tons of bands were in town, including a bunch of random people from the UK. After going to some shows/parties together, someone told me that I should do film a Cynics Pink Couch. I can't remember if I even listened to his music prior to the recording or just took the person's word. In the end it didn't matter because the session came out great. His record 'Stones I've Thrown' is avalable as a free download on MediaFire and on 7" vinyl through Happy Days Records. *Clare informs me that Giles was the someone who brought up a Cynics Pink Couch. I think I had one too many white russians/four lokos/random beers that night. Barf.

**I was recently informed that Calvinball actually influenced this session. I'll believe anything at this point.